Hello Padded Cell Members
The Cell has some fabulous news for you all
As many of you know Ismael Rac joined the padded cell a little while ago and asked for ideas on what kind of Exclusive tube the padded cell would like.
Well i am Pleased to announce that Ismael posted our FREE Padded Cell Tube in the Cells This Morning.
There are two layers to it One Red Head One Blonde and you can download it over at the padded cell today.
We want to say a BIG BIG BIG Thank you to ismael for this wonderfull and sexy Tube.
We know you are having a ruff time as of late but we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for doing this wonderfull exclusive for the cell it has been such a wonderfull honour.
You are such so sweet and a true Gent.
Thank you again

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